None of us like toothache, but a visit to the dentist will result in a filling or worse still. The truth is, no matter what we do, the problem tooth isn’t going to mend itself.
So much of what we do today in our personal lives and in business is about glossing over a problem, fixing the symptom and not the cause.
Many of my clients approach me because they are struggling to lose weight, yet it is only when we start to scratch beneath the surface that the reality of the problem becomes apparent.
Reaching for food can fill a gap, caused by a plethora of realities. Do we eat because we’ve had a bad day, what caused the bad day? Have we reached for that snack because we’ve taken something that someone has said badly?
So before you reach for that bar of chocolate or hunk of cheese, ask yourself do you really want or need it? And if the answer is no, then what is causing the stress that you’re trying to ignore.
I am frequently approached by people who turn to food rather than tackle the underlying problem. If you see yourself doing this then give me a call today on 07714 216388 to how we can tackle the cause together
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