Starting a stitch journal is a mindful experience, here's why I started mine and how.
In the interests of self-care I'm taking a couple of weeks out of all my businesses and will be back happy and ready from 9th January.
Do you ever get so busy doing something you forget to enjoy it. A little blog post about taking the time to enjoy what you do - even if I ought to be promoting my jewelry instead.
An artist's musings about the beauty of autumn and how she brings it to life in her silver jewelry
embroidered hog weed sunprint art
Does your creativity get brushed aside in favour of other stuff. I know mine does. Here's how I tackle the issue and my latest work.
I'm often asked when I became an artist - here's my musings on the topic
Some days inspiration for art is difficult to find. Faced with a blank page starting an artwork can be daunting. This blog post talks about how I overcame this
Sometimes I’m so focussed on producing a finished piece I forget to play. And by play I mean just stitching for stitching’s sake. Just putting some fabric in a hoop and allowing my needle and thread to carve […]
Just like painting, before every masterpiece in stitch you face a blank canvas. Every piece of fabric is precious and could be ruined in the first stab of the needle.
Time To Reflect & Refocus January for me remains uncertain. It is a time when we all traditionally set resolutions and goals, talk about dreams and ambitions of what we will achieve in the coming year.  The last […]