What does Spring mean to you? I love this time of year. The snowdrops are still around a gentle reminder that we may still be working on New Years Resolutions, and so should not forget them, but for […]
Mindfulness – what does it me to me? When I first heard the term mindfulness I must confess I switched off a little. I felt it was more about meditation and that’s not really my thing. But […]
Do you ever wonder why when one thing goes wrong other things keep going wrong? Confidence and self esteem can be fragile things. Add to this the fact that we are our own worse enemies and probably far […]
With so many people being made redundant in this economic climate its no wonder that more and more people are starting their own businesses and oh yes I have personal experience of this having gone from a two […]
Its very easy to become stuck in a rut, especially at work, what can you do about it? Fortunately there are some easy quick win solutions to get you started on your climb out of the rut. Ask […]
When was the last time you asked yourself what you were born to do? Its that time of the week when I sit down and write my blog post, sometimes the inspiration flows and others I just get […]
We all know the name of the “Thief of Time” its our good friend “Procrastination” – but if he steels time – who actually makes it? Last weeks post about Parkinsons Law really got me thinking about […]
First published in The Economist in 1955 Parkinson’s law is often referred to in the way in which we utilise our time. “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” I hadn’t even heard […]
Why for me its much better to make several small steps than attempt one large one. I love my job. I am very fortunate. My role as a coach is to help to inspire and motivate others, […]
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