Someone once said to me that the reason time seems to go quicker as you get older is because the older you get the less new experiences you have.
Consider that for a moment. Your childhood years stretched on forever. It is a constant time of new learning and not just through school, every holiday you took, different places you visited, different experiences you had. Experiences like your school trips, geography field trips, museums, galleries. A time when you may have learned to ride a bike, to roller skate or to horse-ride. Perhaps your first time as a guest at a wedding, taking part in a play or climbing a tree. The list just goes on and on.
By the time you’re married, have kids or are firmly embedding into a career, the new experiences have stopped being daily, weekly or even monthly.
When did you last have an adventure?
I’m not suggesting you take up a hazardous pursuit, as a coach I like to lead by example and that one is definitely not for me. But it’s about trying new things, going to new places and having new experiences – basically creating new memories. Think of it as a bucket list but with a more immediate deadline. It’s a list to tackle this year, or in the next 5 years. My current one has 50 things to do before I’m sixty and I choose about 10 to tackle each year. It can be a simple as learning a new skill, or visiting a new place. My favourite for this year is going on holiday to a Scottish island. Nowhere big like Skye, but a proper little island, surrounded by sea, but passed ones have included visiting Yorkshire Sculpture Park, kayaking on the sea and doing stand up comedy.
What’s on your list?
I would so love to hear what’s on your list, please feel free to comment below and I’ll do my best to reply to all of you individually.
If you need help defining your goals or they simply feel unachievable then I’m happy to help, simply give me a call on 07714 216388 and we can have a chat (outdoors if you wish) or zoom to see if I can help.
Carolyn Trafford is a Creative Freedom coach and author of “Don’t Just Dream It – Achieve It!” (A great way to kickstart those goals is available from my online shop:

Words & pictures copyright Carolyn Trafford (2021)
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