
I was asked last week to do an interview for BBC Radio Stoke about coping with failure.  If you wish to listen to it I’ve loaded a copy onto my website here. They were interested in my thoughts […]


Last week’s blog post – “Saying No Can Be Hard To Do” hopefully started you thinking about how difficult it can be to say “No” and why in fact you do this based on your belief system.  This […]


If you’ve ever wondered why saying “No” is difficult – there’s a simple answer….. Time is an irreplaceable priceless asset. Achieving a healthy balance in life is important and being empowered to say “No” when you need to […]


Fortunately when I ask myself this question, my list of enemies isn’t that long… Yes of course I have annoyed a few people over the years, and of course there are a few people who I have annoyed. […]


Is your self perception of time management skills linked to your stress levels? For SMEs poor time management skills can impact on stress levels causing key staff or business owners to become ineffective. I took part in a […]


How often do you hear yourself say that? “I wish I had……”, “I wish I could…..” Isn’t it time you started to put these things into action? What is it that is actually stopping you? I find myself […]


I love stories.  They are a creative way of learning.  I don’t know where I first heard this story – it makes a great tale and a fantastic reminder that sometimes we should rely more on our creative […]


Watching Murray win Wimbledon certainly made me stop and think about success.  Success can mean so many different things to different people.  Have you stopped and thought about what it means to you? This week we’ve seen Murray […]


Somebody reminded me this week that we’re half way through the year.  When on earth did that happen? I’ve achieved lots already this year, I’ve joined a really great new networking group, I’m almost at the point of […]


Its Monday as I write this.  I suffer Mondays just as much as everyone else  despite being fortunate enough to work from home.  Some Mondays I spring out of bed and get stuck in to my week, others […]