What does your life work balance look like? How do you decide whether its working for you? I’ve had a bit of a stressful week this week. It started on Monday which tends to be the day I […]
If you have read recent posts on this blog, you will have seen some snippets about a client that I have been lucky enough to work with who has recently successfully achieved her near impossible goal. I have […]
Crikey! Its Friday already, the sun is shining and promising to do so for the weekend, I have had a busy week of clients, business meetings, committee meetings, social media and updating my website and a meeting with […]
I hadn’t realised until now, however this is my 100th post. I blog weekly so it must be almost 2 years. Normally I’d rack my brains trying to think of something particularly outstanding to write about. I don’t need […]
Rocks, Pebbles, Sand I don’t know where this originates from, I think it may be Steven Covey, but you may have heard the story of a teacher who presents a glass jar to his class and asks: “If […]
How many hours do you think you waste in a lifetime worrying about decisions? I know I’ve done it. I agonize for ages about the “whats ifs”. There are consequences of making a decision, whether its the right […]
The question do you network or do referral marketing is not so much because I’m interested whether you do or not. Its more about how you perceive others and they perceive you. It came about at one of […]
I had an early start this morning to attend my regular business breakfast meeting. I was slightly startled by two mallards who decided to land on the other carriageway of the A53. I had been quietly rehearsing what […]
Does a healthy body really result in a healthy mind? I’m not a scientist, I can’t say for sure, but its an ethos that I live by. It started a couple of careers ago when I worked in […]
I’m always right at least according to hubby. I’ve spent years educating him that way. And proving it too. If I look back it started when a teacher at school explained that he only ever placed […]