Do you ever experience wobbles in life? I’m a regular attendee of 4networking and recently presented by first 4site (ten minute) presentation to the rest of the group. I shared my confidence journey which is something I will […]
Do you recall learning to ride a bike? Picture the scene, pedaling along, Mum or Dad holding the saddle, feeling really really confident. Mum or Dad let go, but because you think you have someone holding you upright […]
Have you ever had to start over with something? Maybe a project, a letter or a piece of work? Don’t you just hate having to go back to the drawing board and starting from scratch? I’ve recently […]
Have you ever had to tackle a difficult conversation? I had to deliver some bad news today. It wasn’t life threatening stuff, but I had to tell someone close to me that they couldn’t do something. And it […]
Are you in control of your goals, dreams and career ambitions? Or do you feel that you need more control of your emotions and actions? What is Self-Mastery? Self-mastery is the ability to control yourself at all times […]
Wouldn’t it be good if spring cleaning your life was as easy as spring cleaning your house? I know my friends in the South may not agree, however I’m a little fed up of rain. I’ve been waiting […]
I’ve talked about confidence rather a lot lately and I thought I’ have a change of tack. But something happened this morning. Only one of those very small stupid things but it happened. I’d placed a comment on […]
Do you ever feel butterflies, shaky or feel sick at the thought of attending certain events? Today I’m going to offer you my 3 top tips for changing your confidence levels. I attended a networking meeting today, where […]
I listened with interest earlier this week to hear revelations in the news that self esteem issues in women are growing and that they start at a young age. Does anyone else think this is really news? […]