My blog post last week was based around how easy it was to take that large leap out of my comfort zone once I’d dipped just a toe in the water. If you haven’t already read it, do […]
Whilst part of the role of this blog is to inspire and motivate its readership, I also wanted it to be an outlet for some of my more personal thoughts and a record of my own personal learning […]
Resolutions! Some of them keep them, others forget them after a week. Why? Its often because we’re sitting down to do something that is fake. We feel we should give something up because its the right thing […]
New year is a time when most people sit down to set their resolutions. I’m going to talk more about goal setting and resolutions next week because right now I believe its an excellent time to consider what […]
I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. I will be back in 2012 to help you with all those goals. Many thanks for being with be during 2011. Carolyn
I’ve been finding myself getting a little stressed this week. I’ve got a lot on work wise, I still have the Christmas wrapping to do, presents and cards to deliver and cooking to organise, that’s on top of […]
One of the real privileges of being a life coach is helping other people overcome some of the blockers they meet in life. Its very interesting the way that for so many of us the blockers are […]
This is the 5th post about understanding change in life and the steps we go through when experiencing enforced or chosen change. Discovery Discovery is the next exciting step. Discovery is about problem solving. At this point you […]
Last week we explored some of the negative feelings we go through whilst experiencing a change in our lives. If you’ve not already studied the last 3 blog posts it may be worth taking a look before you […]
In the previous post I introduced the Reflections Coaching Change Curve ©2011. After the initial shock of finding out about the change that is affecting us, there are several stages that we go through where it is […]