How would you like to feel more confident? I expect you’ve answered ‘yes’. I bang on about confidence quite a bit and I haven’t met a person yet who wouldn’t like to have just a little bit […]
What a beautiful pink Doc. But what’s its significance? It’s actually symbolic.! This is the story of a coaching journey that started with a request for help with weight loss and ended happily ever after with a […]
It was one of those mornings. I knew I had to get up and write a blog post, but the normal inspiration and ideas were just lacking. I did what I always do and set about procrastinating […]
When was the last time you set some goals just for you? We often find ourselves in the pursuit of goals because they have been imposed on us by underlying negative beliefs. Typical examples include the words “should” […]
How often do we complain that things haven’t gone our way? Small things. Things like the car journey home from work where we got stuck in traffic. Things like someone cancelling an arrangement at the last minute. […]
I’ve been working closely with a client around her weight issues and she asked me recently why, when it is her that comes up with all the answers in our sessions, can she only do this in front […]
Today is a really big day for me. I left my full time job after 23 years in financial services. I was happy to go and I never thought I would be, but sometimes good things must come […]
At the new year, I talked about making a Personal Annual Review (PAR) and if you’ve not read that post then I’d strongly recommend it. Let’s face it I published it so I obviously thought it was an […]
So what do you do when you’ve been getting along perfectly happily and someone says to you that one thing? It doesn’t even have to be a big thing. But they said it. They can’t take it back. […]
An exciting package arrived in the post yesterday. It looked like an Amazon package but I wasn’t expecting anything. I opened it in excitement to see it was from a company called Experience More. Intreagued I took the […]