My university year has just finished. By the time you’re reading this article, I will have my first batch of level 5 degree results – I’m a mature art student. Younger students will have finished their exams and […]
A follow on to the last blog post – now in business I go to networking meetings. Good meetings are busy and valuable contacts will meet a lot of people – its important they go home clutching my […]
I’ve spent a lifetime fading into the background. The majority of my working career was spent head down, “Doing a good job” then feeling bitter for not being noticed for it or someone else getting credit for a […]
Its exciting times. Tonight the Astound Exhibition opens. Its the 2nd year of my art degree and when i look back I can physically see the progress I’ve made with my art. I’m really looking forward to getting […]
3 weeks ago a small change in circumstances (see previous post) now means I have a little more time on my hands – or I would have if I wasn’t studying for an art degree. I have a project […]
One of the reasons I’m self employed is because back at the start of 2012 I was made redundant. Redundancy wasn’t a “dark cloud hanging over me” thing, at the time I really wanted to start my coaching […]
It’s hard to believe that spring has officially arrived already. I love this time of year, lovely lighter mornings (and evenings), flowers coming into bloom, warmer more palatable weather (albeit often damp) and I can honestly say a […]
There is much debate over this. Some people may believe in fate. Que Sera Sera. Whilst some take it to the other extreme and believe that the Universe will provide -you just need to ask. You may hear this referred to […]
Merry Christmas Everyone I will be kick starting 2018 with goal setting and vision board workshops – please get in touch for more info Carolyn – 07714 216388