This post is about so many things, so many feelings, it’s difficult to know where to start and what to include.

I was 26 when I started dying my hair. Those little white lines appearing on my parting were beginning to bother me. I wasn’t ready to be old! I’d done quite well as Mum was in her teens when she found her first.

Since then every 6 weeks, like a ritual I go for a colour cut and blow dry. I’m not adventurous but have gradually moved over to a copper/red from brown. I love the vibrancy.

BUT I’m a lover of natural beauty products. My shampoo and conditioner is paraben and SLS free and putting chemicals on my hair has not sat comfortably with me for some time. But with no idea how grey I was – it was a habit that was hard to break.

Every 6 weeks I’d sit under the bright lights at the hairdressers, pulling the hair above my parting flat, trying to work out the percentage and wondering what it would be like to grow it out whilst my hairdresser mixed up my colour. Every time I’d cave in and conform to the norms of society.

My last colour was at the beginning of February, like many others the Covid lock-down provided an opportunity to allow my hair to grow a little. It is a mixed bag – it is no where near as grey as I expected and appears to be predominantly down the middle (badger effect). Of course that has further fueled the dilemma – would it not look nicer if I’d gone completely grey?

I’ve decided to go for it – there are options – streaks, layers, stripping, but all involve harsh treatment of my hair or further dyeing. Googling provided some light at the end of the tunnel – there’s lots of women going cold turkey on this, so I am joining them.

words and pictures copyright Carolyn Trafford 20202

I’ve had a mixed reaction, lots of friends and social media contacts have provided encouragement, many who took the decision a while ago and found it very freeing. But among them are those that believe society is not ready for aging women, well meaning friends have told me not to do it for fear that I will look old. Why shouldn’t I be proud of who I am?

Stuff them. I spent 20+ years working in financial services – I lost sight of the real me and its taken a while to find me again. I can be whoever I want to be. I’m fortunate – at 50 I’ve relatively few lines anyway and the internet is full of beautiful women who are all on a similar journey. It could take a while as my hair has only grown this much in over 6 months – I’m expecting it to take 2 years plus to grown out the copper.

My job is to help others be who they want to be. As a creative coach and author of, “Don’t Just Dream It – Achieve It!”  I can help you to be your best you. I’m currently offering coaching online or over the phone.

Contact me for more info: 07714 216388

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