The anticipated big day arrived. All the emotions I have ever felt in my life before came to the fore. I slept surprisingly well the night before however nerves really kicked in on Thursday afternoon. No matter how […]
Do you suffer with bouts of nerves? Does your stomach turn over at the thought of standing up and talking to people? My heart pounds too! Last week saw the last rehearsal for the comedy night. I delivered […]
Am I consciously Competent? Simple answer? No not yet! And for those of you who don’t know yet what I’m talking about – let me explain…. In learning we go through 4 stages of competence when learning. […]
How often do you step out of your comfort zone? What motivates you to do it? You may already have read Snowballing – a blog post a few weeks ago which favours taking a small action, a small […]
Week after week Francis was critically given feedback in the Great British Bake Off for putting style over substance. And Paul Hollywood was right, substance is important in a bakery competition, first impressions do count but if the […]
Less than 4 weeks ago, I was enjoying sunshine in Cornwall and now autumn has arrived with vengeance coupled with cold damp mornings. I’ve suddenly realised that the normal organised me has done some of my Christmas shopping […]
“The biggest lie I tell is the one I tell myself everyday – I am inferior to others” – Carolyn Trafford Hands up if this rings true with you. I’ve stopped for a moment to question why I […]
Its a little early to be thinking of snow I admit, though the word snowballing was the perfect word for what I wanted to talk about this week. Have you ever found yourself agreeing to something and then […]
How often do others suggest we take our own advice? What prompts them to say it? We’re probably very good at dishing out our own advice but are we as prepared to take it? I had one of […]
Those of you that know me personally will also know that I’m not adverse to getting out a camera at the weekend and tagging along with my husband Brett Trafford to photograph a wedding. We were at a […]