One of the reasons I’m self employed is because back at the start of 2012 I was made redundant. Redundancy wasn’t a “dark cloud hanging over me” thing, at the time I really wanted to start my coaching […]
It’s hard to believe that spring has officially arrived already. I love this time of year, lovely lighter mornings (and evenings), flowers coming into bloom, warmer more palatable weather (albeit often damp) and I can honestly say a […]
There is much debate over this. Some people may believe in fate. Que Sera Sera. Whilst some take it to the other extreme and believe that the Universe will provide -you just need to ask. You may hear this referred to […]
12 months ago I sat staring blankly at the lecturer stood in front of me. A lovely lady, knowledgeable both in the subject of art and in her ability to teach. But why wasn’t I convinced in what […]
Well Autumn has arrived and rather suddenly it feels that way. One minute we seemed to have glorious sunshine and the next those beautiful misty mornings. I rather like Autumn – at least until I get wet morning […]
We all talk about them. Whether we’re about to turn 30, 40, 50 or more, these are significant numbers and a time when we think about how quickly life marches on. Expressions like “life begins at 40”, or […]
It can be a struggle this one. There are so many things in life to do, new things, new careers, new adventures, new jobs, weight loss…… and it’s never the right time. I found it hard changing from […]
I recently wrote about not being afraid to say “no” and the time that can free up for you. Asking for help is just as important. Considering evolution and the animal kingdom as a whole, animals often work […]
Happy New Year It’s my job. I work with goals. Goals for individuals, goals for teams, goals to lose weight, goals to start and grow businesses. My moto ” A goal is for ever not just for new […]