
It’s that time of year when our thoughts turn to new starts, new goals and new aspirations.  An exciting time when we start a new diary or journal, that fresh clean crisp new page where the future can […]


Of course you have a plan for Christmas, for most that will be a roast turkey and a day spent with loved ones, family or friends. Image copyright Carolyn Trafford 2018 But it’s a stressful time.  I’m busy, […]


We live in a stressful world, you’re busy, I’m busy, yet how often do you say “Yes” to someone when you really wanted to say “No”?   It’s so easy to say ‘Yes’ it slips off the tongue and […]


My final year of my Art Foundation Degree has just started it’s going to be a big big year.  It takes up about a day and a half on campus and perhaps the same amount of time in […]


Do you remember those days?  You could just get a scrap of paper and some crayons and draw magical pictures or make up worlds in your head.  There was no right or wrong…..   …. you just let […]


It’s been about 10 years ago I saw 2 mature couples strip down to their undies and swim in a Lake District tarn.  It’s an image that’s stayed with me – not in a bad way – it’s […]


A follow on to the last blog post – now in business I go to networking meetings.  Good meetings are busy and valuable contacts will meet a lot of people – its important they go home clutching my […]


I’ve spent a lifetime fading into the background.  The majority of my working career was spent head down, “Doing a good job” then feeling bitter for not being noticed for it or someone else getting credit for a […]


Its exciting times. Tonight the Astound Exhibition opens.  Its the 2nd year of my art degree and when i look back I can physically see the progress I’ve made with my art.  I’m really looking forward to getting […]


3 weeks ago a small change in circumstances (see previous post) now means I have a little more time on my hands – or I would have if I wasn’t studying for an art degree.  I have a project […]