
I have always been a huge advocate of setting goals. Goals that closely reflect exactly what you want to achieve, really help to create focus and direction. I would never suggest walking a mountain, without knowing where you […]


Resolutions, goals, intentions…  Whatever you call them, January tends to be a time that we sit down and consider what we want to achieve during the year. It is very easy to fall into the trap of thinking […]


In 2010 I started my own business before taking redundancy 12 months later – I can’t believe that I will be celebrating 10 years so very soon. I always new my business would be part time, I wanted […]
I’ve always baked, made and at my worst (or best) recycled wrapping paper.  I was raised to be economical and not wasteful.  I relaxed a little through the height of my career, time was in short supply and […]


September seems to have slipped me by so quickly.  The rain has arrived and there’s an autumnal amber tinge to the trees. There’s so much going on at the moment.  I’m not very political, but I can’t ignore […]
It seems to have rained daily since we got back from Cornwall late July.  The Leek & District Show was a bit of a wash out.  I have a strong need to be outdoors and although I can […]


A little place called Whaley Bridge and its residents are on my mind at the moment.  I’ve followed the story since news first broke of the potential breach in the Toddbrook Dam and the risk of lives to […]


  I frequently talk about goals because it is important for self-fulfilment, to have something to aspire to or to create a purpose in life. I set myself about six goals in January, two have probably fallen by […]
    Astound Opened on Saturday 1st June.     Photos courtesy of Brett   It is open Mon to sat 10 – 3.45 at the Nicholson Art Gallery, Leek. I will be manning the exhibition at […]


I love cake! I have a sweet tooth and an hourglass figure (prone to weight on the hips).  I was probably 14 when I went on my first diet.  I’d watched Mum conscientiously record her calories and was […]