It is unbelievable that 12 months have passed since my cancer was picked up through screening. My feet haven't touched the ground - but the last 6 months have been positive and I'm feeling great. Here's a whistle stop tour.
New normal is becomming an everyday term, but what does it really mean? If we don't adapt and change to new circumstances then life can leave us feeling bitter and resentful. If we accept our new normal (and this can be any life change) then it aids us in getting on with life and moving forward, and hopefully with a smile on our faces.
How many of us miss that January 1st Goal setting thing? For me I’m often still on my Christmas Break and not thinking about work stuff. I’m also still eating the chocolate left over from Christmas so the […]
I've been lucky. I didn't need Chemo, Radiotherapy is a whole different thing. This is about my experience
Here I am. Its been 11 weeks since my surgery. And apart from a lingering Covid cough and a general lack of fitness as I’ve not been to the gym in nearly 2 years – I feeling fighting […]


Its funny how much difference a few weeks can make. Throughout the last 5 months time has done strange things. Some days and weeks have gone in a flash (like last week) and others whilst waiting for results […]