I’ve always baked, made and at my worst (or best) recycled wrapping paper. I was raised to be economical and not wasteful. I relaxed a little through the height of my career, time was in short supply and […]
It seems to have rained daily since we got back from Cornwall late July. The Leek & District Show was a bit of a wash out. I have a strong need to be outdoors and although I can […]
It’s been a truly amazing June. The Astound exhibition ran for 3 weeks during which time I sold “Ebb & Tide” – two of the showpiece felt hangings, a few vessels, books, mugs, cards and prints. The Crowdfund […]
Astound Opened on Saturday 1st June. Photos courtesy of Brett It is open Mon to sat 10 – 3.45 at the Nicholson Art Gallery, Leek. I will be manning the exhibition at […]
Being self employed is a bumpy ride at times. I love the flexibility in lifestyle it offers, but its a lifestyle choice and part of that is sometimes having to make choices about where I spend money – […]
I’m very excited. The Astound exhibition opens on the 1st June. My project Ebb&Flow is nearing completion and I just can’t wait to see it in place. I’ve been working on it since September and its a textural […]
My previous post introduced to you the concept of my latest project – studying the environmental impact of the tide on Britain’s coastline. I was full of trepidation and panic when I scribed it. In some ways I’m […]