
Do you get the January Blues?  Is this the time when those well meaning intentions around your goals and resolutions start to waiver? Have you heard of January Green? I suspect that whilst you may be suffering the […]


  As I start to write this blog post I’m worried about repeating myself. Why? Well simply because as humans we are often creatures of habit.  I don’t know about you, but I feel myself going through the […]


So how do you eat your  elephant? The common answer is one bit at a time.  I’m sure many of you will have come across this before.  Its a common analogy for tackling your goals.  But its not […]


Are you feeling the pressure of Christmas?   There are so many demands placed on us at this time of year.  If it isn’t hard enough coping with a job, career, running a business coupled with your home […]


Have you ever been there? Sometimes its like a black hole sucking you in.  No matter what you do or try it doesn’t get any easier and your business looks like it’ll never be a success. Its a […]


  Did you have goals/resolutions in January?  When did you last revisit them?   I sit here at my laptop, half of me thinking about keeping on top of my daily tasks such as social media, prepping for […]


I’ve been busy networking this week and have taken some time out to observe others at work.  The 1-2-1s I’ve had have varied enormously.  So what does make a great networker? Here are my top five tips: Remember […]


  This week I wanted to talk about procrastination at a whole new level.  Not the stuff on our daily to do lists that we just put off until next week, but the big stuff, whether its that […]


  Have you ever delved into a different world? I have! After 22 years of a financial services corporate world, and then going into self employment, I’d convinced myself that I had now “seen it all”.  And we […]


What do you procrastinate about?  I’m qualified to talk about procrastination, others might say I shouldn’t be one to preach about it, a case of the pot calling the kettle black etc.  Yes I procrastinate so much I […]