Somebody reminded me this week that we’re half way through the year. When on earth did that happen? I’ve achieved lots already this year, I’ve joined a really great new networking group, I’m almost at the point of […]
If you have read recent posts on this blog, you will have seen some snippets about a client that I have been lucky enough to work with who has recently successfully achieved her near impossible goal. I have […]
I hadn’t realised until now, however this is my 100th post. I blog weekly so it must be almost 2 years. Normally I’d rack my brains trying to think of something particularly outstanding to write about. I don’t need […]
Politics are a funny thing in a fickle world. I also believe they’re a very private thing and not for discussion on my blog. However what is worth commenting on is the power of a Woman that knows […]
I’m a bit of a sucker for inspiring stories – so here’s a favourite one of mine. One of my clients has been diagnosed with a disability that causes nerve dis-function, muscle wastage and severe pain. Walking has […]
We’d all like that wouldn’t we? To get exactly what we want. Would you be surprised to know its actually a lot simpler than you might think? I’ve recently joined a new networking group. It brings together a […]
What does Spring mean to you? I love this time of year. The snowdrops are still around a gentle reminder that we may still be working on New Years Resolutions, and so should not forget them, but for […]
We all know the name of the “Thief of Time” its our good friend “Procrastination” – but if he steels time – who actually makes it? Last weeks post about Parkinsons Law really got me thinking about […]
First published in The Economist in 1955 Parkinson’s law is often referred to in the way in which we utilise our time. “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” I hadn’t even heard […]
Why for me its much better to make several small steps than attempt one large one. I love my job. I am very fortunate. My role as a coach is to help to inspire and motivate others, […]