
I’ve been to two conferences this month.  Both brilliant informative, motivational conferences but there is so much information to take away, absorb, reread etc Being someone with good intentions, I make copious notes and with a promise to […]


Phew! Things are getting a bit hectic around here.  Juggling my coaching appointments and my Beauty Consulting AND supporting hubby with the photographic business AND having a life – can be quite a challenge at times. It’s Friday […]


This week I want to talk about Stress.  Why? Because stress means different things to different people.  For some stress is that deep rooted feeling that you get when you have to go to work every morning, tinged […]


I don’t think I ever really knew what a portfolio careers was.  I worked full time for 24 years and always for one employer.  I remember some years back as a young and keen supervisor encouraging an older […]


Being self employed means you have to work all the hours god sends right? You only get back what you put in? When you go self employed this is what you hear all the time and to some […]


Christmas gives me the opportunity to practice  what I preach and take some time out, so this will be my last blog until the new year. I’ll be back in the New Year when I may explore one […]


…….. some would say stressed.  Lets face it – we’re busy enough normally, but add to that Christmas shopping, house cleaning, extra events fairs etc.  And none of the day to day of your job, career, business or […]


Most of my regular readers will know how much I value “Me time” particularly my walking holidays in the lake district.  Even simply traveling up to the lakes for a day trip, getting out on the fells, stretching […]


I was always told to find a role model, someone who was successful and model myself on them.  Of course this can be dangerous if we’re not careful.  Do you really want to be something you’re not? Instead […]


None of us like toothache, but a visit to the dentist will result in a filling or worse still.  The truth is, no matter what we do, the problem tooth isn’t going to mend itself. So much of […]