So after what feels like the longest two weeks and six days of my life (other than one December waiting for Santa in around 1978), We went to see the consultant on Wednesday.

I have to say I like this man. I have only ever seen his eyes over his Covid mask and every time I’ve met him he seems intent in fondling my boobs. But on the 3 occasions we have spoken, he is reassuring and has delivered news that has always been better than I have been anticipating.

The 3rd biopsy had been the biggest and deepest so far. The BC team were clearly intent on finding something. So it has been a very worrying time. What if I have two types of cancer? What if the 2nd required Chemo? The thoughts go on and get darker.

Mr N, my consultant tells me I do have two things going on. A damn lump (not his words) that we know to be cancerous and needs removal and now Lobular Carcinoma in Situ (LCIS). Apparently not a cancer as such but invasive and stats show an increased risk of the development of Breast Cancer later. I guess that’s why I’m here now. Please though, I’m not an expert, if you want to understand this do your own research from decent sites like NHS and Macmillan or Breast Cancer Now.

So surgery is scheduled for Tuesday, I’ve a bed booked but hoping to come home. In the meantime I have to wash with a funny shampoo (reducing MRSA risk), get a Magseed fitted, get a PCR test and be injected with some radioactive substance, so the fun continues and I’m up for a busy few days.

Carolyn Trafford is a Creative Life Coach, supporting others in reaching their own goals in a creative way sine 2010. Author of “Don’t Just Dream It – Achieve It!” (A great way to kickstart those goals). This interactive book is available from her online shop: . She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer on the 20th September 2021 following her first routine screening with the NHS at 51.

Taking Time To Enjoy Autumn – words and pictures copyright Carolyn Trafford

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