
As 2014 draws to an end I feel certain that you will be inundated with people, posts, emails and would be do gooders all telling you that you need to make plans for 2015 to achieve success and […]


…….. some would say stressed.  Lets face it – we’re busy enough normally, but add to that Christmas shopping, house cleaning, extra events fairs etc.  And none of the day to day of your job, career, business or […]


Over the past 7 weeks, I have touched on 7 ways to help you get up, get out and speak out in public.  This week, I thought it would be worth just summerising the key points and I’ve […]


Productivity can be a bit of a sticking point for a lot of people.  Sometimes the longer we have the more time a task takes, conversely when we’re really squeezed for time it’s amazing how much we can […]


We can be so busy focused on what matters to other people that we sometimes forget to love yourselves and that’s when we lose self esteem and/or confidence.  Yet loving ourselves is incredibly easy to do.  It always […]


Survival plans? Hmmm.  I’m not talking about what happens if a fire breaks out and you need to exit the building.  I’m talking about those very core things that get you through your week. Survival planning in an […]


Last week’s blog post – “Saying No Can Be Hard To Do” hopefully started you thinking about how difficult it can be to say “No” and why in fact you do this based on your belief system.  This […]


Is your self perception of time management skills linked to your stress levels? For SMEs poor time management skills can impact on stress levels causing key staff or business owners to become ineffective. I took part in a […]


I’m a little late posting the week – not because its a bank holiday but because we’ve taken a few days out for a bit of a holiday.  We’ve had three lovely days on Anglesey at Church bay […]


When was the last time you asked yourself what you were born to do? Its that time of the week when I sit down and write my blog post, sometimes the inspiration flows and others I just get […]