
As 2014 draws to an end I feel certain that you will be inundated with people, posts, emails and would be do gooders all telling you that you need to make plans for 2015 to achieve success and […]


…….. some would say stressed.  Lets face it – we’re busy enough normally, but add to that Christmas shopping, house cleaning, extra events fairs etc.  And none of the day to day of your job, career, business or […]


Hedgehogs are one of my favourite animals – it stems for cute, cuddly images from childhood books – just think abour Beatrice Potter and The Tale of Mrs Tiggywinkle that portrayed a rather cute washer-lady hedgehog.  One of […]


Over the past 7 weeks, I have touched on 7 ways to help you get up, get out and speak out in public.  This week, I thought it would be worth just summerising the key points and I’ve […]


If you’ve been too scared to speak before and have now read my previous 6 posts about being scared then you’ll have realised that public speaking can be made so much easier and enjoyable by following a few […]


Feeling sick, heart beating too fast, short of breath, dry mouth, inability to concentrate,  butterflies – these are all common symptoms of being nervous and the worst thing is, the more we try not to be the worse […]


The more people I speak to about it, the more terrifying delivering the perfect 60 second pitch seems to be for people.  A 60 second or elevator pitch is one of the most important minutes you’ll spend representing […]


We’ve all heard about death by PowerPoint and I’ve seen it in action – it’s not pretty, yet often it’s not PowerPoint at fault but more about how its used.  Creating visual impact is crucial when delivering a […]


Probably the single most important thing about speaking is about being real.  “genuineness” – what a lovely description that is.  Would you trust the words of anyone you didn’t believe in.  Imagine for a moment hearing The Duchess […]


If you read last week’s blog then you’ll know I’m running a series of blogs about overcoming your fears of public speaking – if you missed it – it’s well worth popping back and reading it first.  This […]