
Summer is definitely here with a vengeance and many of us are thinking about taking a bit more time out to enjoy the recent good weather, here, abroad, in the garden or just time with the kids. I’m […]


I was asked recently how I write my blog and keep coming up with new stuff to write about.  The reality is that every time I sit down I wonder what on earth I am going to say […]


I seem to have taken on a bit too much at the moment.  The Coaching business is stable whilst both my Neal’s Yard Consultancy AND my husbands business, Brett Trafford photography are growing and needing more and more […]


One of the hardest lesson I have learned and to some extent still having to learn is that when feedback is given, it’s only one person’s opinion. Yet how easy is it to allow that one piece of […]


I’ve written quite a bit about comfort zones and stretch zones in the past.  There is a strong belief to stretch yourself that you need to step out of your comfort zone and experience your stretch zone so […]


Sometimes I feel older by the day.  It feels like by brain cells have been dying since the moment I turned 40.  Names and faces are harder to put together and I have lists of lists so I […]


“Time is precious, waste it wisely” – such simple words painted on the side of a narrow boat that I wandered past on my early morning dog stroll this week.  Quite apt, where else can you waste time […]


I love watching nature, my early morning stroll with Ziggy Dog along the canal always offers me something to observe and makes a change from people watching. This morning I marveled at the Canada Geese.  2 families working […]


I was always told to find a role model, someone who was successful and model myself on them.  Of course this can be dangerous if we’re not careful.  Do you really want to be something you’re not? Instead […]


No its not a rude question.  This time last week I was at an event listenning to a great speaker, a marketing expert talking about gorilla or monkey marketing.  For those not familiar with gorilla marketing its just […]