I frequently talk about goals because it is important for self-fulfilment, to have something to aspire to or to create a purpose in life. I set myself about six goals in January, two have probably fallen by […]
I love cake! I have a sweet tooth and an hourglass figure (prone to weight on the hips). I was probably 14 when I went on my first diet. I’d watched Mum conscientiously record her calories and was […]
It’s that time of year when our thoughts turn to new starts, new goals and new aspirations. An exciting time when we start a new diary or journal, that fresh clean crisp new page where the future can […]
My final year of my Art Foundation Degree has just started it’s going to be a big big year. It takes up about a day and a half on campus and perhaps the same amount of time in […]
Do you remember those days? You could just get a scrap of paper and some crayons and draw magical pictures or make up worlds in your head. There was no right or wrong….. …. you just let […]
A follow on to the last blog post – now in business I go to networking meetings. Good meetings are busy and valuable contacts will meet a lot of people – its important they go home clutching my […]
I’ve spent a lifetime fading into the background. The majority of my working career was spent head down, “Doing a good job” then feeling bitter for not being noticed for it or someone else getting credit for a […]
Its exciting times. Tonight the Astound Exhibition opens. Its the 2nd year of my art degree and when i look back I can physically see the progress I’ve made with my art. I’m really looking forward to getting […]
3 weeks ago a small change in circumstances (see previous post) now means I have a little more time on my hands – or I would have if I wasn’t studying for an art degree. I have a project […]