It really doesn’t seem long since I last posted a Christmas Greeting. I’ve yet to wrap the Christmas presents and find the kitchen worktop before I can roll pastry out – but it really doesn’t matter – I’m […]
I remember as a child enjoying colouring in – Doodle Art and Altair design were in fashion and I spent many hours much to my Mother’s Joy quietly sitting in the corner of the room with a pile […]
Whether you hate your job completely or just have a few off moments, we all have those days that are harder than others. The days when scraping together just a little motivation can feel like trying to carry […]
So 3 1/2 years ago I got exactly what I wanted. A redundancy package that would buy be a couple of years grace to start my business. Hubby had taken his 12 months earlier and set up a […]
Don’t you just see it all the time. There are “Haves” and “Have Nots”. The haves seems to have everything, the “Have Nots” are poor relations in comparison and the more the haves have, the more they seem […]
In my other business we talk about opportunity a lot. There are 3 opportunities anyone can take with Neal’s Yard Remedies and it often surprises me how many people simply say “No” before they’ve looked into it further. […]
I don’t think I ever really knew what a portfolio careers was. I worked full time for 24 years and always for one employer. I remember some years back as a young and keen supervisor encouraging an older […]
Someone told me last year that as you grow older time seems to fly much more quickly and the reason is that we don’t create as many memories. The younger we are the more new experiences we add, […]
I really enjoy writing my blog, trying to put new spin onto sometimes well used topics or thinking about topics from scratch but sometimes inspiration simply fails me. So I’ll make no apology that this post is short […]