Some days inspiration for art is difficult to find. Faced with a blank page starting an artwork can be daunting. This blog post talks about how I overcame this
Cancer takes a small piece of your life, and it can be hard work claiming it back, this blog post looks at a stage in that journey or any stage in life where getting back to normaility is needed...
New normal is becomming an everyday term, but what does it really mean?
If we don't adapt and change to new circumstances then life can leave us feeling bitter and resentful. If we accept our new normal (and this can be any life change) then it aids us in getting on with life and moving forward, and hopefully with a smile on our faces.
How many of us miss that January 1st Goal setting thing? For me I’m often still on my Christmas Break and not thinking about work stuff. I’m also still eating the chocolate left over from Christmas so the […]
I want to take this opportunity to remember a lost friend. I’ve had news this week that a very special person has left us. I knew she’d been very ill, however she had been very private about it. […]
Its a week today since surgery. It’s been a slow week but at the heart of everything that I am doing is rest and recuperation. Some of that is about being active and its been a beautiful week […]
Its 3 days since my op. I’ve been up and about every day and feeling incredibly normal. My wounds are sore, especially the one in my armpit. Its most noticeably sore first thing in the morning and late […]
I’m conscious my previous post was a little negative, I make no apology – it is what it is – but it feels important to acknowledge the lows, and move on. I’m praised regularly for my positivity, but […]
It’s 6 weeks yesterday since I received my diagnosis. I dispensed very quickly with the whole “how do you break it to other people” routine by telling my nearest and dearest and then announcing it on Facebook. Not […]
I have met some beautiful people whilst meandering through life. I include some of my closest and longest friends, and also random people who enter life’s journey for short periods of time. I talk about the sort of […]