
Its 3 days since my op. I’ve been up and about every day and feeling incredibly normal. My wounds are sore, especially the one in my armpit. Its most noticeably sore first thing in the morning and late […]
I’m conscious my previous post was a little negative, I make no apology – it is what it is – but it feels important to acknowledge the lows, and move on. I’m praised regularly for my positivity, but […]


So as you read this, I’ll be heading off to Stafford for my op. Its come around quickly – just 8 weeks from my diagnosis. I actually think that’s pretty incredible and that Breast Care in the UK […]


When I first went for my Mammogram I had no idea what lay ahead of me, even when I was called back I didn’t expect to have this many mammograms – lets face it 7 should take me […]
So after what feels like the longest two weeks and six days of my life (other than one December waiting for Santa in around 1978), We went to see the consultant on Wednesday. I have to say I […]
(IMPORTANT NOTE – This was written n Monday 8th. I have been to see my consultant today and will be updating the blog properly soon -but I’m in a better place than I was on Sunday) I must […]


During the last 12 months or more, we have all seen many changes and we have had to adapt to living differently in so many ways.  I have been working from home, seeing clients over the internet and […]


I talk about setting goals a lot. What you’ve noticed? I’m not surprised really, if living the life you want is actually a body then goals are the skeleton, actions are the muscles and motivation, resilience and confidence […]


If a man knows not to which port he sails, no wind is favorable.. " - Seneca -even in these tough times having goals and can steer you in the right direction. Resilience is key...
Growing Old Disgracefully, the difficult choice to being proud of who I am or in other words choosing to not conform and go grey